منو منو

Calcaneus Fractures


    • Calcaneus fractures are the most common fractured tarsal bone and are associated with a high degree of morbidity and disability.

    • Diagnosis is made radiographically with foot radiographs with CT scan often being required for surgical planning. 

    • Treatment is nonoperative versus operative based on fracture displacement and alignment, associated soft tissue injury, and patient risk factors.


    • Incidence

      • common

        • most frequent tarsal fracture

          • 60-75% of injuries are intra-articular fractures

          • 1-3% are calcaneal tuberosity fractures

    • Anatomic location

      • 17% are open fractures

        • no significant increase in infection rates 


        • increased risk for wound complications 


      • calcaneal tuberosity fractures

        • peak incidence in women in seventh decade of life


    • Pathophysiology

      • mechanism

        • intra-articular fractures

          • traumatic axial loading is the primary mechanism of injury

            • fall from height

            • motor-vehicle accidents

        • calcaneal tuberosity fractures

          • poor bone quality/osteoporosis

            • violent contaction of the triceps surae with forced dorsiflexion

            • strong concentric contaction of the triceps surae with knee in full extension

          • intrinsic tightness of the gastrocnemius and achilles tendon

          • peripheral neuropathy leading to decreased pain sensation and proprioception resulting in recurrent microtrauma

        • calcaneal stress fractures 

          • increased physical activity in the setting of relative energy deficiency 

        • anterior process fractures


          • twisting injury mechanism

          • avulsion injury of the bifurcate ligament

      • pathoanatomy

        • intra-articular fractures

          • primary fracture line results from oblique shear and leads to the following two primary fragments

            • superomedial fragment (constant fragment)

              • includes the sustentaculum tali and is stabilized by strong ligamentous and capsular attachments

            • superolateral fragment

              • includes an intra-articular aspect through the posterior facet

          • secondary fracture lines

            • dictate whether there is joint depression or tongue-type fracture

        • extra-articular fractures

          • strong contraction of gastrocnemius-soleus with concomitant avulsion at its insertion site on calcaneus

          • more common in osteopenic/osteoporotic bone

        • anterior process fractures 


          • inversion and plantar flexion of the foot cause avulsion of the bifurcate ligament

    • Associated injuries

      • orthopaedic

        • extension into the calcaneocuboid joint occurs in 63%

        • vertebral injuries in 10%

        • contralateral calcaneus in 10%


    • Osteology

      • articular facets 

        • superolateral fragment contains the articular facets 

        • superior articular surface contains three facets that articulate with the talus

        • posterior facet is the largest and is the major weight bearing surface

          • the flexor hallucis longus tendon is medial to the posterior facet and inferior to the medial facet and can be injured with errant drills/screws that are too long 

          • the flexor hallucis longus is also at risk of entrapment in the fracture site with marked posterior facet displacement 


        • middle facet is anteromedial on sustentaculum tali

        • anterior facet is often confluent with middle facet

      • sinus tarsi

        • between the middle and posterior facets lies the interosseous sulcus (calcaneal groove) that together with the talar sulcus makes up the sinus tarsi

      • sustentaculum tali

        • projects medially and supports the neck of talus

        • FHL passes beneath it 


        • represented by the constant fragment 

        • deltoid and talocalcaneal ligament connect it to the talus

        • contained in the anteromedial fragment, which remains "constant" due to medial talocalcaneal and interosseous ligaments 


      • bifurcate ligament

        • connects the dorsal aspect of the anterior process to the cuboid and navicular


    • Extra-articular (25%) 

      • avulsion injury of

        • anterior process by bifurcate ligament 

        • sustentaculum tali

        • calcaneal tuberosity (Achilles tendon avulsion) 


    • Intra-articular (75%)

      • Essex-Lopresti classification

        • the primary fracture line runs obliquely through the posterior facet forming two fragments

        • the secondary fracture line runs in one of two planes

          • the axial plane beneath the facet exiting posteriorly in tongue-type fractures 

            • when the superolateral fragment and posterior facet remain attached to the tuberosity posteriorly

          • behind the posterior facet in joint depression fractures 

      • Sanders classification

        • based on the number of articular fragments seen on the coronal CT image at the widest point of the posterior facet

          • Increasing number of fragments is associated with increased fracture severity and the development of post-traumatic arthritis 


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