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Flexible Pes Planovalgus (Flexible Flatfoot)


  • Flexible Pes Planovalgus, also known as Flexible Flatfoot, is a common idiopathic condition, caused by ligamentous laxity that presents with a decrease in the medial longitudinal arch, a valgus hindfoot and forefoot abduction with weight-bearing.

  • Diagnosis can be made clinically with a foot that is flat with standing and reconstitutes with toe walking, hallux dorsiflexion, or foot hanging.

  • Treatment is usually observation, and stretching with majority of cases resolving over time. Rarely, surgical management is indicated for patients with progressive deformities that do not resolve with nonoperative management. 



  • unknown in pediatric population

  • 20% to 25% in adults


  • Pathoanatomy

    • generalized ligamentous laxity is common

    • 25% are associated with gastrocnemius-soleus contracture


  • Hypermobile flexible pes planovalgus (most common)

    • familial

      • associated with generalized ligamentous laxity and lower extremity rotational problem

      • usually bilateral

    • associated with an accessory navicular

      • correlation is controversial

  • Flexible pes planovalgus with a tight heel cord

  • Rigid flatfoot & tarsal coalition (least common) 

    • no correction of hindfoot valgus with toe standing due limited subtalar motion


  • Symptoms

    • usually asymptomatic in children

    • may have arch pain or pretibial pain

  • Physical exam

    • inspection

      • foot is only flat with standing and reconstitutes with toe walking, hallux dorsiflexion, or foot hanging 

      • valgus hindfoot deformity

      • forefoot abduction

    • motion

      • normal and painless subtalar motion

      • hindfoot valgus corrects to a varus position with toe standing

      • evaluate for decreased dorsiflexion and tight heel cord


  • Radiographs

    • indications

      • painful flexible flatfoot to rule out other mimicking conditions

      • rigid flatfoot

    • recommended views

      • required

        • weightbearing AP foot

          • evaluate for talar head coverage and talocalcaneal angle

        • weightbearing lateral foot

          • evaluate Meary's angle

        • weightbearing oblique foot

          • rule out tarsal coalition

      • optional

        • plantar-flexed lateral of foot

          • rules out vertical talus (where a line through the long axis of the talus passes below the first metatarsal axis)

        • AP and lateral of the ankle

          • if concerned that hindfoot valgus may actually be ankle valgus (associated with myelodysplasia)

    • findings

      • Meary's angle will be apex plantar 

        • angle subtended from a line drawn through axis of the talus and axis of 1st ray


  • Tarsal coalition 

  • Congenital vertical talus 

  • Accessory navicular 


  • Nonoperative 


    • observation, stretching, shoewear modification, orthotics

      • indications

        • asymptomatic patients, as it almost always resolves spontaneously

          • counsel parents that arch will redevelop with age

      • techniques

        • athletic heels with soft arch support or stiff soles may be helpful for symptoms

        • orthotics do not change natural history of disease 


        • UCBL heel cups may be indicated for symptomatic relief of advanced cases 

          • rigid material can lead to poor tolerance

        • stretching for symptomatic patients with a tight heel cord

  • Operative

    • Achilles tendon or gastrocnemius fascia lengthening

      • indications

        • flexible flatfoot with a tight heelcord with painful symptoms refractory to stretching

    • calcaneal lengthening osteotomy (with or without cuneiform osteotomy)

      • indications

        • continued refractory pain despite use of extensive conservative management

        • rarely indicated

      • technique

        • calcaneal lengthening osteotomy (Evans) 


          • with or without a cuneiform osteotomy and peroneal tendon lengthening

        • sliding calcaneal osteotomy

          • corrects the hindfoot valgus

        • plantar base closing wedge osteotomy of the first cuneiform

          • corrects the supination deformity


  • Most of the time resolves spontaneously




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