منو منو

Femoral Anteversion


  • Femoral Anteversion is a common congenital condition caused by intrauterine positioning which lead to increased anteversion of the femoral neck relative to the femur with compensatory internal rotation of the femur. 

  • Diagnosis is made clinically with the presence of intoeing combined with an increase in internal rotation of the hip of greater than 70° with an accompanying decrease in external rotation of the hip of less than 20°.

  • Treatment is observation with parental reassurance as most cases resolve by age 10. Rarely, surgical management is indicated in the presence of less than 10° of hip external rotation in children greater than 10 years of age.


  • Demographics

    • seen in early childhood (3-6 years)

    • twice as frequent in girls than boys

    • can be hereditary

  • Anatomic location

    • often bilateral

      • be cautious of asymmetric abnormalities


  • Femoral anteversion is characterized by

    • increased anteversion of the femoral neck relative to the femur

    • compensatory internal rotation of the femur

    • lower extremity intoeing

  • There are three main causes of intoeing including

    • femoral anteversion (this topic)

    • metatarsus adductus (infants) 

    • internal tibial torsion (toddlers) 

  • Pathophysiology

    • a packaging disorders caused by intra-uterine positioning

    • most spontaneously resolve by age 10

  • Associated conditions

    • can be seen in association with other packaging disorders

      • DDH 

      • metatarsus adductus 

      • congenital muscular torticollis 


  • Is based on degree of anteversion of femoral neck in relation to the femoral condyles 

    • at birth, normal femoral anteversion is 30-40°

    • typically decreases to normal adult range of 15° by skeletal maturity

    • minimal changes in femoral anteversion occur after age 8


  • Symptoms

    • parents complain of an intoeing gait in early childhood

    • child classically sits in the W position (see above image)

    • knee pain when associated with tibial torsion

    • awkward running style

    • when extreme in an older child occasional functional limitations in sports and activities of daily living can occur

      • difficulty with tripping during walking or running activities

    • can be more symptomatic in those with neuromuscular diseases and brace-dependent walkers

      • secondary to lever-arm dysfunction and decreased compensatory mechanisms

  • Physical exam

    • evaluation for intoeing 


      • femoral anteversion

        • hip motion (tested in the prone position) 

          • increased internal rotation of >70° (normal is 20-60°) 

          • decreased external rotation of < 20° (normal 30-60°) 

        • anteversion estimated on degree of hip IR when greater trochanter is most prominent laterally

          • trochanteric prominence angle test 

        • patella internally rotated on gait evaluation

      • tibial torsion

        • look at thigh-foot angle in prone position

        • normal value in infants- mean 5° internal (range, −30° to +20°)

        • normal value at age 8 years- mean 10° external (range, −5° to +30°)

      • metatarsus adductus

        • adducted forefoot deformity, lateral border should be straight

        • a medial soft-tissue crease indicates a more rigid deformity

        • evaluate for hindfoot and subtalar motion


  • Radiographs

    • recommended views

      • none required typically

  • CT or MRI

    • may be useful in measuring actual anteversion


  • Nonoperative

    • observation and parental reassurance 


      • indications

        • most cases usually resolve spontaneously by age 10

      • technique

        • bracing, inserts, PT, sitting restrictions do not change natural history

  • Operative

    • derotational femoral osteotomy

      • indications

        • < 10° of external rotation on exam in an older child (>10 yrs)

        • rarely needed

      • technique

        • typically performed at the intertrochanteric level

        • amount correction needed can be calculated by (IR-ER)/2


  • Multiple studies have been unable to reveal any association with degenerative changes in the hip and knee when increased anteversion persists into adulthood

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