منو منو

Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease


    • Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease is an idiopathic avascular necrosis of the proximal femoral epiphysis in children.

    • Diagnosis can be suspected with hip radiographs. MRI may be required for diagnosis of occult or early disease. 

    • Treatment is typically observation in children less than 8 years of age, and femoral and/or pelvic osteotomy in children greater than 8 years of age.


    • Incidence

      • affects 1 in 10,000 children

    • Demographics

      • 4-8 years is most common age of presentation

      • male to female ratio is 5:1

      • higher incidence in urban areas

      • socioeconomic class

        • higher among lower socioeconomic class

      • latitude

        • higher incidence in high latitude (low incidence around equator)

      • race

        • Caucasian > East Asian and African American

    • Anatomic location

      • bilateral in 12%

        • asymmetrical, asynchronous involvement

          • rarely at the same stage of disease

        • symmetrical involvement suggests MED (multiple epiphyseal dysplasia)

    • Risk factors

      • positive family history

      • low birth weight

      • abnormal birth presentation

      • second hand smoke

      • Asian, Inuit, and Central European decent


    • Pathophysiology

      • osteonecrosis occurs secondary to disruption of blood supply to femoral head

        • followed by revascularization with subsequent resorption and later collapse

          • creeping substitution provides pathway for remodeling after collapse

      • proposed mechanisms

        • possible association with abnormal clotting factors (Protein S and Protein C deficiencies)

          • controversial etiology

          • thrombophilia has been reported to be present in 50% of patients

          • up to 75% of affected patients have some form of coagulopathy

        • repeated subclinical trauma and mechanical overload lead to bone collapse and repair (multiple-infarction theory)

          • damages result from epiphyseal bone resorption, collapse, and the effect of subsequent repair during the course of disease

        • maternal / passive smoking aggravates

    • Associated conditions

      • associated with ADHD in 33% of cases

      • bone age is delayed in 89% of patients


    • Lateral Pillar Classification

      • has best agreement and is most predictive

      • determined during fragmentation stage 

        • usually occurs 6 months after the onset of symptoms 


        • based on the height of the lateral pillar of the capital femoral epiphysis on AP imaging of the pelvis

        • designed to provide prognostic information

        • limitation is that final classification is not possible at initial presentation due to the fact that the patient needs to have entered into the fragmentation stage radiographically

  • Lateral Pillar (Herring) Classification

  • Group A

  • Lateral pillar maintains full height with no density changes identified

  • Consistently good outcome

  • Group B

  • Maintains >50% height

  • Poor outcome in patients with bone age > 6 years

  • Group B/C

  • Lateral pillar is narrowed (2-3mm) or poorly ossified with approximately 50% height

  • Recently added to increase consistency & prognosis of classification

  • Group C

  • Less than 50% of lateral pillar height is maintained

  • Poor outcomes in all patient

Waldenstrom classification

    • Stages of Legg-Calves-Perthes (Waldenström)

    • Initial

    • Infarction produces a smaller, sclerotic epiphysis with medial joint space widening

    • Radiographs may remain occult for 3 to 6 months

    • Fragmentation

    • Begins with presence of subchondral lucent line (cresent sign)

    • Femoral head appears to fragment or dissolve

    • Result of revascularization process with bone resorption producing collapse with subsequent patchy density and lucencies

    • Hip related symptoms are most prevalent

    • Lateral pillar classification based on this stage Can last from 6m to 2y

    • Reossification

    • Ossific nucleus undergoes reossification with new bone appearing as necrotic bone is resorbed

    • May last up to 18m

    • Healing or remodeling

    • Femoral head remodels until skeletal maturity

    • Begins once ossific nucleus is completely reossified; trabecular patterns return

Catteral Calssification

  • Emphasizes extent of head involvement and outcome (see groups below)

  • Applied during fragmentation stage when the necrotic segment is demarcated from the viable portion 

  • Catterall also described head

  • At-risk signs that are associated with poor outcomes

    • Gage sign (V-shaped radiolucency in the lateral portion of the epiphysis and/or adjacent metaphysis)

    • Calcification lateral to the epiphysis

    • Metaphyseal cyst

    • Lateral subluxation of the femoral head

    • Horizontal proximal femoral physis

  • Catterall Classification

  • Based on degree of head involvement

  • Group I

  • Involvement of the anterior epiphysis only

  • Group II

  • Involvement of the anterior epiphysis with a central sequestrum

  • Group III

  • Only a small part of the epiphysis is not involved

  • Group IV

  • Total head involvement

Salter-Thompson Calssification

  • Salter-Thompson classification

  • Based on radiographic cresent sign

  • Class A

  • Crescent sign involves < 1/2 of femoral head

  • Class B

  • Crescent sign involves > 1/2 of femoral head

  • Stulberg classification

    • Gold standard for rating residual femoral head deformity and joint congruence

    • Recent studies show poor interobserver and intraobserver reliability


    • Symptoms

      • insidious onset

      • may cause painless limp

      • intermittent hip, knee, groin or thigh pain

    • Physical exam

      • hip stiffness

        • loss of internal rotation and abduction

      • gait disturbance

        • antalgic limp

        • Trendelenburg gait (head collapse leads to decreased tension of abductors)

      • limb length discrepancy is a late finding

        • hip adduction contracture can exacerbate the apparent LLD


    • Radiographs

      • AP of pelvis and frog leg laterals

        • critical in diagnosis and prognosis

      • early findings include

        • medial joint space widening (earliest) from less ossification of head

          • measured between teardrop and ossification center

        • irregularity of femoral head ossification

          • decreased size of ossification center

          • sclerotic appearance

        • cresent sign (represents a subchondral fracture)

    • Bone scan

      • can confirm suspected case of LCPD

        • decreased uptake (cold lesion) can predate changes on radiographs

      • provides information on extent of femoral head involvement

    • MRI

      • early diagnosis revealing alterations in the capital femoral epiphysis and physis

      • more sensitive than radiograph

    • Perfusion studies predict maximum extent of lateral pillar involvement

    • Arthrogram

      • a dynamic arthrogram can demonstrate coverage and containment of the femoral head


    • Histology

      • femoral epiphysis and physis exhibit areas of disorganized cartilage with areas of hypercellularity and fibrillation


    • Radiographic differential diagnosis

      • infecitious etiology 

        • septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, pericapsular pyomyositis

      • transient synovitis 

      • multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED) 

      • spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (SED) 

      • sickle cell disease

      • Gaucher disease 

      • hypothyroidism

      • Meyers dysplasia


    • Goals

      • resolution of symptoms

        • NSAIDs, traction, crutches

      • restoration of range of motion

        • physical therapy (may exacerbate symptoms), muscle lengthenings, Petrie casting

      • containment of hip

        • improve range of motion, bracing, proximal femoral osteotomy, pelvic osteotomy

          • ensure that femoral head is well seated in acetabulum

    • Nonoperative

      • observation alone, activity restriction (non-weightbearing), and physical therapy (ROM exercises)

        • indications

          • children < 8 years of age (bone age <6 years)

            • young patients typically do not benefit from surgery

          • lateral pillar A involvement

        • technique

          • activity restriction and protected weight-bearing during earlier stages until reossification is complete

          • main goals of treatment are to keep the femoral head contained and maintain good motion

            • containment limits deformity and minimizes loss of sphericity

              • lessen subsequent degenerative changes

          • bracing and casting for containment have not been found to be beneficial in a large, prospective study

          • all patients require periodic clinical and radiographic followup until completion of disease process

        • outcomes

          • good outcomes correlate with a spherical femoral head

            • 60% do not require operative intervention

            • good outcomes associated with lateral pillar A and Catterall I groups

    • Operative

      • femoral and/or pelvic osteotomy 


        • indications

          • children > 8 years of age, especially lateral pillar B and B/C

        • technique

          • proximal femoral varus osteotomy

            • to provide containment

          • pelvic osteotomy

            • Salter or triple innominate osteotomy

            • Shelf arthroplasty may be performed to prevent lateral subluxation and resultant lateral epiphyseal overgrowth

        • outcomes

          • children with lateral pillar A and those with B under 8 years did well regardless of treatment

          • large recent studies show improved outcomes with surgery for lateral pillar B and B/C in children > 8 years (bone age >6 years) 


          • studies sugggest earlier surgery before femoral head deformity develops may be best

          • poor outcome for lateral pillar C regardless of treatment

      • valgus and/or shelf osteotomies

        • indications

          • hinge abduction 


            • lateral extrusion of the capital femoral epiphysis producing a painful hinge effect on the lateral acetabulum during abduction

        • abduction-extension osteotomy

          • reposition the hinge segment away from the acetabular margin

          • correct shortening from fixed adduction

          • improve abductor mechanism by improving abductor muscle contractile length

        • Shelf or Chiari osteotomies are also considered when the femoral head is no longer containable

      • hip arthroscopy

        • emerging treatment modality for mechanical abnormalities in the setting of healed LCPD

          • femoroacetabular impingement

      • hip arthrodiastasis

        • indications

          • controversial indications and outcomes

        • technique

          • hip distraction via external fixation


    • Proximal Femoral Varus Osteotomy (VRDO) 

      •  indications

        • extrusion in early stages of LCPD

      • technique

        • reposition femoral head into acetabulum for containment purposes


    • Femoral head deformity

      • coxa magna

        • widened femoral head

      • coxa plana

        • flattened femoral head

      • important prognostic factor

        • Stulberg classification

    • Lateral hip subluxation (extrusion)

      • associated with poor prognosis

        • can lead to hinge abduction

    • Premature physeal arrest

      • trochanteric overgrowth

      • coxa breva

        • shortened femoral neck

      • leg length discrepancy

        • typically mild

    • Acetabular dysplasia

      • poor development secondary to deformed femoral head

      • can alter hip congruency

    • Labral injury

      • secondary to femoral head deformity

        • femoroacetabular impingement

    • Osteochondritis dissecans

      • can lead to loose fragments

    • Degenerative arthritis 


      • Stulberg I and most Stulberg II hips perform well for the lifetime of the patient


    • Important prognostic variables

      • younger age (bone age) < 6 years at presentation is most important good prognostic indicator 


      • sphericity of femoral head and congruency at skeletal maturity (Stulberg classification)

      • lateral pillar classification

    • Variables of poor prognosis

      • female sex

      • decreased hip abduction (adduction contracture)

      • heavy patient

      • longer duration from onset to completion of healing

      • stiffness with progressive loss of ROM

      • Catterall "head at risk" signs (see under classification)

    • Natural history

      • long-term studies suggest that most patients do well until fifth or sixth decade of life

      • approximately 1/2 of patients develop premature osteoarthritis secondary to an aspherical femoral head

    • Self-limiting process

      • variable course to final healing from initial ischemic event

      • can take 2-5 years to resolve

    • Differentiated from adult osteonecrosis by its ability to heal and remodel

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