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  • emihypertrophy is an idiopathic condition that can also be caused by a variety of syndromes, and presents with asymmetry between the right and left sides of the body to a greater degree than can be attributed to normal variation.

  • Diagnosis is made clinically with abnormal asymmetry defined as a 5% or greater difference in length and/or circumference.

  • Treatment is observation with or without shoe lifts for leg length differences < 2 cm at skeletal maturity. Surgical intervention is indicated for leg length differences > 2 cm, with different techniques depending on the discrepancy magnitude and remaining skeletal growth.


  • Pathophysiology

    • most common causes are

      • idiopathic (non-syndromic)

      • syndromic

        • neurofibromatosis 

        • Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome 

        • Klippel-Trenauney syndrome

        • Proteus syndrome

  • Associated conditions

    • orthopaedic manifestations

      • scoliosis (compensatory)

      • peripheral nerve entrapment (rare)

    • medical conditions & comorbidities

      • malignant intra-abdominal tumors

        • Wilm's tumor (most common)

          • perform serial abdominal ultrasounds (every 3 months) until age 7 to rule out Wilm's tumor

          • then physical exam every 6 months until skeletal maturity

        • adrenal carcinoma

        • hepatoblastoma

      • genitourinary abnormalities

        • medullary sponge kidneys

        • polycystic kidney

        • inguinal hernias


    • Congenital classification

      • congenital

        • total

          • involvement of all organ systems

        • limited

          • only muscular, vascular, skeletal, or neurologic involvement

            • classic (ipsilateral upper and lower limbs)

            • segmental (a single limb)

            • facial 

            • crossed

      • acquired

        • very rare

        • can result from injury, infection, radiation or inflammation

    • Syndromic classification

      • non-syndromic (isolated)

      • syndromic (part of a clinical syndrome)


    • Physical exam

      • findings rarely apparent at birth, manifest during growth

      • skin often thicker on involved side

      • more hair on corresponding side of the head

      • limb circumference asymmetric

      • leg-length discrepancy (LLD)


    • Radiographs

      • AP + lateral of affected limb may demonstrate enlargement of bone and soft tissue 

        • osseous maturation may be seen

    • Abdominal ultrasound

      • indications

        • perform serial abdominal ultrasounds (every 3 months) until age 7 to rule out Wilm's tumor


  • Renal function tests

  • Serum alpha-fetoprotein

    • screen for embryonal tumors


  • Nonoperative

    • observation, shoelift, corrective shoes

      • indications

        • < 2 cm projected LLD at maturity

  • Operative

    • surgical correction

      • indications

        • based on principles of leg length discrepancies 

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