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Radius and Ulnar Shaft Fractures


    • Radius and ulnar shaft fractures, also known as adult both bone forearm fractures, are common fractures of the forearm caused by either direct trauma or indirect trauma (fall).

    • Diagnosis is made by physical exam and plain orthogonal radiographs.

    • Treatment is generally surgical open reduction and internal fixation with compression plating of both the ulna and radius fractures.


    • Demographics

      • highest incidence in

        • men between 10 and 20 years old

        • women over 60 years old


    • Pathophysiology

      • mechanism of injury

        • direct trauma

          • direct blow to forearm

        • indirect trauma

          • motor vehicle accidents

          • falls from height

            • axial load applied to the forearm through the hand

          • sports injuries

    • Associated conditions

      • elbow and DRUJ injuries

        • Galeazzi fractures 

        • Monteggia fractures 

        • Essex-Lopresti injuries

      • compartment syndrome

        • evaluate compartment pressures if concern for compartment syndrome


    • Osteology

      • axis of rotation of forearm runs through radial head (proximal) and ulna fovea (distal)

        • distal radius effectively rotates around the distal ulna in pronosupination

      • radial bow accommodates rotation

        • radial bow is complex and not just in coronal or sagittal plane

        • maximal radial bow in the coronal plane is about 15mm at 60% distally along the radius

      • the ulna has a slight bow along the distal 75% of the shaft

    • Ligaments

      • Interosseous membrane (IOM)

        • occupies the space between the radius and ulna

          • permits rotation of the radius around the ulna

          • connects the radius and ulna obliquely

          • axial load through the forearm begins in the distal radius and then transferred to the proximal ulna

          • distal fibers have the most tension in supination

          • the central fibers are under the most tension in a neutral position

        • comprised of 5 ligaments 


          • central band is key portion of IOM to be reconstructed

          • accessory band

          • distal oblique bundle

          • proximal oblique cord

          • dorsal oblique accessory cord

    • Nerves

      • median nerve 

        • runs with the brachial artery and then courses between the heads of the pronator teres

        • then courses between the FDS and FDP until the carpal tunnel

      • ulnar nerve

        • in the forearm, begins between the heads of the FCU

        • then innervates the FDP to the ring and small fingers

        • divides into the motor and sensory branches in the hand 

      • radial nerve

        • splits into the superficial branch and the PIN

        • the superficial branch runs along the deep fascia to the brachioradialis

        • PIN

          • runs around the radial neck and through the supinator

          • then runs along the posterior interosseous membrane terminating in the wrist capsule beneath the 4th extensor compartment

    • Vasculature

      • the brachial artery branches into the radial and ulnar arteries 1cm past the elbow joint

      • the radial artery is adherent to the FCRL


    • Anatomic / Descriptive

      • closed versus open

      • location

      • comminuted, segmental, multi-fragmented

      • displacement

      • angulation

      • rotational alignment

    • OTA classification

      • radial and ulna diaphyseal fractures

        • Type A (simple) 

          • simple fracture that is spiral (A1), oblique (A2), or transverse (A3)

        • Type B (wedge) 

          • wedge fracture that is intact (B2) or fragmentary (B3)

        • Type C (multifragmentary) 

          • multifragmentary fracture that is intact segmental (C2) or fragmentary segmental (C3)


    • Symptoms

      • pain and swelling

      • loss of forearm and hand function

    • Physical exam

      • inspection

        • gross deformity

        • open injuries

        • check for tense forearm compartments

      • vascular

        • assess radial and ulnar pulses

      • neuro

        • document median, radial, and ulnar nerve function

      • provocative tests

        • pain with passive stretch of fingers

          • alert to impending or present compartment syndrome


    • Radiographs

      • recommended views

        • AP and lateral views of the forearm 

      • additional views

        • oblique forearm views for further fracture definition

        • ipsilateral AP and lateral of the wrist and elbow

          • to evaluate for associated fractures or dislocation

          • radial head must be aligned with the capitulum on all views

    • CT

      • indications

        • rarely needed

        • may be helpful for possible occult fractures, evaluating intraarticular extension, or complex fracture characteristics


    • Nonoperative

      • closed reduction and immobilization

        • indications

          • rare

            • completely nondisplaced fractures in patients who are not surgical candidates

        • techniques

          • bracing

            • functional fracture brace

          • casting

            • Muenster cast with good interosseous mold 

        • outcomes

          • loss of >50 degrees of rotation in 30% of patients

          • high rates of non-union associated with non-operative management

    • Operative

      • closed reduction and external fixation (ExFix)

        • indications

          • severe soft tissue injury (Gustilo IIIB)

      • open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) 

        • indications

          • nearly all both bone fractures in surgical candidates 


          • Gustilo I, II, and IIIa open fractures may be treated with primary ORIF 


        • outcomes

          • goal is for cortical opposition, compression, and restoration of forearm anatomy

          • most important variable in functional outcome is to restore the radial bow 


          • > 95% union rates of simple both bone fractures with compression plating

          • up to 88% union in comminuted fractures treated with bridge plating

      • open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) + bone grafting

        • indications

          • open fractures with significant bone loss

          • bone loss that is segmental or associated with open injury (primary or delayed grafting in open injuries) 


          • nonunions of the forearm

        • outcomes

          • use of autograft may be critical to achieving fracture union

      • closed reduction and intramedullary fixation (IMN)

        • indications

          • very poor soft-tissue integrity

        • outcomes

          • not preferred due to lack of rotational and axial stability and difficulty maintaining radial bow 

          • high nonunion rate

            • IMN does not provide compression across fracture site


    • Closed reduction and immobilization

      • technique

        • functional brace or Muenster cast

        • cast/brace should extend just above elbow to control forearm rotation

          • monitor very closely (~1 week) for displacement

          • should be worn for at least 6 weeks

    • External fixation (ExFix) 

      • technique

        • 2nd and 3rd metacarpal shafts can both be utilized for distal pin placement

        • pin diameter should not exceed 4 mm

    • Open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) 

      • approach

        • fixation of the fracture with less comminution restores length and may facilitate reduction of other bone

          • typically the radius is fixed first

        • usually performed through separate approaches due to risk of synostosis 


          • radius

            • volar (Henry) approach to radius 

              • best for distal 1/3 and middle 1/3 radial fractures 


            • dorsal (Thompson) approach to radius 

              • can be utilized for proximal 1/3 radial fractures

          • ulna

            • subcutaneous approach to ulna shaft 

      • technique

        • 3.5 mm DCP plate (AO technique) is standard 


          • 4.5 plates no longer used due to increased rate of refracture following removal

          • stiff 2.7mm locking plates may be used, but smaller recon plates should not be used

        • stainless steel plates provide greater bending rigidity than titanium

        • longer plates are preferred due to high torsional stress in forearm

          • may require contouring of plate

        • compression mode preferred to achieve anatomic primary bony healing

          • to minimize strain, six cortices proximal and distal to fracture should be engaged

        • locked plates are increasingly indicated over conventional plates in osteoporotic bone

        • bridge plating may be used in extensively comminuted fractures 


        • interfragmentary lag screws (2.0 or 2.7 screws) if necessary

        • open fractures

          • irrigation and debridement should be performed to remove any contaminated tissue or bony fragments without soft tissue attachments

        • plate placement

          • placement of plates on dorsal (tension) side is biomechanically superior but volar placement offers better place seating and soft tissue coverage

      • postoperative care

        • early ROM unless there is an injury to proximal or distal joint

        • should be managed with a period of non-weight bearing due to risk of secondary displacement of the fracture 


          • generally 6 weeks

        • clinical healing typically occurs at 3 months

    • Open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) + bone grafting

      • technique

        • cancellous autograft is indicated in radial and ulnar fractures with significant bone loss 


        • vascularized fibula grafts can be used for large defects and have a lower rate of infection 


        • Masquelet technique (induced-membrane technique) can also be utilized in cases of non-union or open fractures with significant bone loss

          • 2 stage technique

            • 1st stage: I&D, cement spacer, and temporizing fixation 

            • 2nd stage: placement of bone graft into induced membrane and definitive fixation 

    • Closed reduction and intramedullary Fixation (IMN)

      • approach

        • ulnar nail

          • inserted through the posterior olecranon

        • radial nail

          • inserted between the extensor tendons near Listers tubercle

      • technique

        • nails may need to be bent to accommodate for the radial bow

        • may use a small incision at fracture site to facilitate passing of nail


    • Synostosis and Stiffness  

      • incidence

        • reported between 3 to 9%

      • risk factors

        • associated with ORIF using a single-incision approach

      • treatment

        • heterotopic bone excision can be performed with low recurrence risk as early as 4-6 months post-injury when prophylactic radiation therapy and/or indomethacin are used postoperatively 


    • Surgical Site Infection (SSI)

      • incidence

        • 3% incidence with ORIF

      • risk factors

        • open fractures

    • Compartment syndrome

      • incidence

        • about 1% overall

        • up to 15% depending on mechanism and fracture characteristics

      • risk factors

        • high energy crush injury

        • open fractures

        • low-velocity GSWs

        • vascular injuries

        • coagulopathies (DIC)

      • treatment 

        • fasciotomy

          • release of the superficial volar compartment alone may be adequate because the compartments are connected

          • other structures that may be released include: the mobile wad fascia, lacerates fibrosus, extensor compartment, deep volar compartment, and carpal tunnel

    • Nonunion

      • incidence

        • < 5% after compression plating

        • up to 12% in extensively comminuted fractures treated with bridge plating

      • risk factors

        • extensive comminution

        • poorly applied plate fixation

        • IMN fixation

      • treatment

        • atrophic nonunions can be treated with 3.5 mm plates and autogenous cancellous bone grafting 


        • hypertrophic nonunions can be treated by increasing fixation

        • Infection and atrophic nonunions can also be treated with the Masquelet technique 


    • Malunion

      • risk factors

        • direct correlation between restoration of radial bow and functional outcome

    • Nerve injury

      • risk factors

        • PIN injury with Monteggia fractures and Henry (volar) approach to middle and upper third radial diaphysis

        • median nerve may be injured in the modified Henry approach

        • cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve is at risk during the approach to the ulna

        • Type III open fractures

      • treatment

        • observe for three months to see if nerve function returns

          • explore if no return of function after 3 months

    • Refracture 


      • incidence

        • up to 10% with early removal

      • risk factors

        • removing plate too early 

          • plates should not be removed < 1 year from implantation

        • large plates (4.5 mm)

        • comminuted fractures

        • persistent radiographic lucency

      • treatment

        • wear functional forearm brace for 6 weeks and protect activity for 3 months after plate removal


    • Overall, good subjective results, but with expected losses in ROM and strength

      • expected losses

        • reduced strength in grip (25% lost), pronation and supination (30% lost), wrist flexion (16% lost), and wrist extension (37% lost)

        • mild expected reduction (<10 deg) in pronation, supination, wrist flexion, and wrist extension

    • Functional results depend on the restoration of radial bow 


      • malunion of the radius and ulna with angulation > 20 degrees is likely to limit forearm rotation


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